Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Globalization and The Poor or Practical Hydraulics Handbook

Globalization and The Poor

Author: Jay R Mandl

This book represents a new viewpoint of economic globalization. Until now, the debate has been polarized between those attacking globalization (such as the demonstrators at the WTO meetings), and its defenders (mostly in the U.S. business community). Jay Mandle argues that opponents fail to understand that broadly-based benefits for the poor are latent in the economic globalization process. Simultaneously, defenders have insufficiently acknowledged that it creates innocent victims who should be the object of ameliorative policies. Mandle describes effective policies to be adopted at the national and international levels to make globalization fair.

Book review: Realização de Êxito de Pós-fusão:o Guia do Depositário de dinheiro de apostas de Diligência Devida Cultural, Avaliação, e Integração

Practical Hydraulics Handbook

Author: Barbara Hauser

The Second Edition of the Practical Hydraulics Handbook is a mustfor all those who work with water utility systems. Presented in workbook format and emphasizing practical applications, this Handbook is perfect for hydraulic engineers, technicians, operating personnel, supervisors, managers, consultants, and students.

The exceptionally well-organized chapters include information on pressurized systems and open channel flow, principles of energy and force, flow calculations and measurement, pumps, and pumping applications.

This latest edition of the Practical Hydraulics Handbook includes new exercises at the end of each chapter and detailed solutions to selected exercises. The well-chosen exercises allow readers to practice applications of the theory and to test their knowledge of the material. The solutions provide guidance and problem-solving techniques that can be used both in the field and in the lab.

Reference tables are also provided for calculations of friction loss, velocity, pipe fullness, well drawdown, English/metric conversions, power, and metered flow. These tables make calculations easier and minimize the chance for error.

In this new edition of Practical Hydraulics Handbook, all of the major principles and calculations dealing with the hydraulics of water systems are covered, and new and expanded material has been added.

Table of Contents:
Ch. 1Mass, Density and Displacement1
Ch. 2Flow and Velocity7
Ch. 3Pressure13
Ch. 4Bernoulli's Theorem27
Ch. 5Pumping - Introduction41
Ch. 6Friction Loss53
Ch. 7Compound Pipes63
Ch. 8Minor Head Loss71
Ch. 9Open Channel Flow79
Ch. 10Flow Measurement I - Flow Rate Meters91
Ch. 11Flow Measurement II - Totalizer Meters109
Ch. 12Centrifugal Pumps I121
Ch. 13Centrifugal Pumps II141
Ch. 14Positive Displacement Pumps159
Appendix I Problem Solutions169
Appendix II Conversions319
Appendix III Important Formulas321
Appendix IV Formula Derivations323
Appendix V Numeric Tables329
Appendix VI Pump Troubleshooting339
Sources Consulted353

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