Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Fair Shares or Service Quality in Leisure and Tourism

Fair Shares: The Future of Shareholder Power and Responsibility

Author: Jonathan Charkham

This book shows the importance of shareholder interest and involvement, which both authors strongly believe will remain in the best interests of the company and the wider society in the 21st century.

Table of Contents:
Introduction: Why a Book about Shareholders?1
1The Purpose of the Company15
2The Role of shareholders in the UK27
3The World of Regulation40
4The Development of the Joint Stock Company44
5Directors: The Legal Framework51
6Shareholders: The Legal Framework61
7The Role of Banks79
8The Ownership of Companies88
9Shares as a Home for Savings95
10The Private Shareholder108
11Narrower Share Ownership118
12Power: The Greasy Pole126
13The Rise of the Institutions131
14The Legal Obligations of Institutional Shareholders140
15Investment Strategy and Governance155
16The Institutions: Combined Action166
19The International Dimension201
20The AGM205
21The Obligations of Significant Ownership223
22Guarding the Guards231
23A Summary of Proposals for Reform239
App. 1Report of the Committee on the Financial Aspects of Corporate Governance (Cadbury Code)245
App. 2Directors' Remuneration: Report of a Study Group Chaired by Sir Richard Greenbury (Greenbury Code)248
App. 3Committee on Corporate Governance254
App. 4List of IFMA Members as at 1 July 1997258
App. 5Extracts from IFMA Fund Management Survey 1997260
Select Bibliography and References262

Interesting textbook: Modeling Financial Time Series with S Plus or Temps

Service Quality in Leisure and Tourism

Author: C Williams

The service sector is considered to lag behind manufacturing in introducing quality management cultures. The leisure and tourism industry has tended to be even more dilatory and so quality management was not given a high priority until recently. This book aims to develop an awareness of the underpinning theories of quality as applicable to leisure and tourism. It helps to comprehend the various dimensions of service quality along with the associated underpinning theory, facilitating and understanding of service, its characteristics and typology. Suitable for students and researchers, it shows how to evaluate critically the numerous quality management systems and techniques available within the context of the leisure and tourism business environment.

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